Here you get »answers to your questions«
If you get stuck on »Your Spiritual Path«, if your »Meditation«
is missing something, 
I would like to help you.

Peter Todesco

I would ask in any case, if somehow possible please contact me personally:


I speak GermanFrench, Italian and English.


Why do you put „immortality“ at the focus of your meditation instructions?

In «The Purpose of Immortality and Crossing the Gates» Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath answers as follows: The point is, people, mistake «Immortality» and think that «Longevity» of life to be the final goal. It’s not Longevity that we are here for, it is «Divinity» that we are here for. Longevity is an outcome of the «Attainment of Divinity». First, we seek the Kingdom of Heaven, we seek God and we will get our longevity that we even wanted. We achieve «Physical Longevity» to «seek God in one Life», the purpose of longevity is just a tool, it’s a facility, its a servant of Divinity. How can we cross the Gates of Death? It is very simple, but easier said than done, it requires determination and persistence. If you do Kriya Yoga Meditation it will lengthen your breath, and because every human being has a certain amount of breath according to their karma after that death will come, Kriya Yoga Meditation prolongs our life. Meditation – Conscious Presence, Conscious Sleep, Conscious Death – is «Samadhi». Probably with the state of «Samadhi» you will pass the Gates of Death. | Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath

„Immortality is not everyone’s business,“ said the Dadaist Kurt Schwitters, what do you say?

Certainly, «Physical Immortality» is just for a few. Wider acceptance brings the promise of many religions: «Immortality of the Soul». But are we not all immortal in the context of reincarnation, and do we not live in a just universe with a just Creator who gives us much freedom? Therefore, I reply with a quote from George Bernard Shaw; „Freedom means responsibility. That is the reason why most people are afraid of it.“ In my opinion, immortality means the ultimate freedom to make my own destiny, to take fate into my hands. I am convinced that this is the underlying reason for which many people expressed their lack of interest in lifespan, although they behave all of their lives as if they would be immortal. There is no more important question than the question of immortality. On this issue, the whole culture of humanity can be measured. To seek immortality means taking responsibility, and indeed for himself and his environment in a sustainable manner and for an unlimited time, and this requires great maturity and intelligence. Back In demand: because not each and everyone wants to be free? But freedom requires in order to be real freedom for voluntary discipline and responsibility! Just read to this subject what Rudolf Steiner says in his work „Philosophy of Freedom“. And to once again quote Shaw, „The disadvantage of intelligence is that one is constantly forced to learn something new.“ 

How long have you been on the search of techniques and methods to live immortality?

Since fifty years, I’m concerned with the questions about the meaning of our existence and the opportunities to put our lives into a greater context. My search for the philosopher’s stone, the holy grail, the elixir of life which gives eternal life in this world, I first started in the sixties of the last century. At that time there were only a few books on yoga and meditation, standard works which still exist, otherwise, the desert was empty. It has since then been translated enormously much knowledge from the ancient texts and issued new, and at the same time, many valuable new technologies emerged. The deeper background of our desires to live a better life, a life that makes sense and let men become the human being, has moved me since I remember. Hence, the need arose to pass on my experiences in a Study Program, »Consciousness and Meditation«.

What can I expect from your course?

Everything you wish for when you’re ready to develop the necessary discipline. Pleasure and joy on a deeper exploration of the techniques come with regular practice by themselves. As many authentic teachers of today, I’m convinced, that we are living in a time of sharing and participation as equal beings. Secrets always have been a means to manipulate followers and misusing power. In my course, you can practice what you have heard after the first 15 minutes of theory in the following 30-40 minutes. I will help and support you in checking and correcting the practical implementation so that the techniques can be learned error-free right from the start. In the following 15 minutes, the experienced can be exchanged, discussed and deepened individually as required. After a first such set, all participants should be able to feel better prepared for life with individual time-limited modules or with a total program of at least 30 minutes and a maximum of one hour per day: More groundedness and flexibility, more focus and clarity. The following two quotations are my guiding principles:

„The artist as a medium and healer has the task of the audiences and viewers to bring to a transcendent level,
to create an energetic atmosphere that helps to extend the energy body.“  Dr Rosina Sonnenschmidt

„The issue for the future is the dematerialization or the staging of the invisible.“
Dr David Bosshard (Director GDI)

What is so special at the instruction of meditation you teach?

This method goes straight for the goal, and tames mind and thought by centring on our sensory perception and on our bodies. The unified consciousness can thus take over the governance of our existence in harmony with God and nature. We need neither imagination nor magical rituals, the breath is the mantra and the light appears by itself.

How can I check my meditation?

You can watch on this website, my »short instruction« and try to check whether you meet all points. Further instructions can be found on my website and a brief checklist below »texts« Item 4 »Meditation-Check«.

What do you mean by Yoga?

Yoga is the art, to subordinate the body to the control of consciousness. Ultimately Yoga means meditation, yoga is an exercise of the mind. It is also an exercise of the body, but in reality, it is more a system of thought as a method that is applied physics. Yoga means not doing something, but something to think about, what incidentally means „being yourself“ (to be in the self); what you are, is mainly what you think. Yoga is the art to channel your mind in a specifically assigned direction.

Yoga begins with the answer to the question: What do I have to think? Turning away from the meaningless distractions and the glorification of things, as we bring back home the spirit through the practice of meditation to its true nature, that frees us from all suffering. When we meditate in order to free the spirit of deception, the spirit with patience and discipline will unravel itself. He then finds clarity and bliss.

 Why do You put the topic of ‚immortality‘ in the centre of your efforts?

The Quest (path, pathway or way)  through all the cultures and times was the questioning of truth. My first question about life and truth was the question about human lifespan and immortality. How can we postulate the meaning of life, the sense of love and righteousness without possessing more than this short period of a human life that rarely reaches 100 years? There I started my lifelong search at the age of 13 years.

To achieve physical immortality is not the centre of my efforts, but the expansion of the borders is central to my lifelong preoccupation with the question of death and life, whose endpoint and ultimate consequence is physical immortality. I think there is no more important task then to expand the boundaries, and by that I mean above all the intellectual boundaries. The goal of Zen Buddhism is called „Open Space – Nothing Else“.

»The only thing that counts while we are here at the physical level teaching and giving example, is „to wipe away the attention of limitations“ and to show every day that we can actually live the Christ life.«  Baird T. Spalding

To live the life of a saint, to live in love, goodness and beauty, and to come as close as possible to the ideal of perfection and immortality, is an innate need of human nature. Healing through presence, to live for healing, and thus to live the love is our human determination. Living this path we lose all fear of death and dying and are aware of our continued existence.

In what form we choose our survival is more determined by ourselves than how we were previously taught by Science and Religion. The possibility of the infinite extension of our physical life is, therefore, my central remark, because that is the last barrier of thought; „everyone is mortal“ the excuse for surrendering to fate and fatality.

It is not my personal desire to achieve this goal at any price for myself (though of course I hope, to come as close as possible). Even if I die tomorrow, this is no accident but another adventure. My physical decease, I could not accept as disproof to my arguments and theses.

 How you define sexuality in the context of your course and techniques?

A very important question, which I can only hint inadequate with the collection of quotations »instructions to sexuality« from the meditation text. The sexual energy is a basic component of all alchemical recipes for rejuvenation and life extension. Sexual Energy is the central basic element of Taoist energy work of Qi Gong. As far as I understand the tantric teachings, the philosophical content is as important as direct physical practice. According to traditional teachings, we still live in a time in which it is almost impossible, to live these ideals, so I am very careful with this issue. I’m living personally for more than a decade in a happy and stable relationship with my current partner. The restraint of the male life energy recommended by the alchemical teachings is, based on my relationship experiences, a very sensitive and delicate topic, which requires a great mutual understanding in the partnership relationship in order to approach this goal. Therefore, the above quote collection must be read with the necessary distance.

Can we achieve enlightenment with drugs?

Drugs do not help to establish the highest consciousness of enlightenment as a permanent state!

Awareness reducing drugs such as alcohol (consumed excessively), or tobacco (in its industrially processed form with many toxic additives), bring more suffering and disease than many other drugs.

Consciousness-expanding drugs such as LSD, mescaline, marijuana, ayahuasca and mushrooms are now used by many people as a shortcut to a more spiritual view of existence. Without going into the diversity and different effects of the various substances in detail, it can be clearly stated that it takes repetition for all drugs to reach this state of increased awareness again and again. As an introduction to the perception of a world behind the material veil of creation, drugs may provide short-term initial support. But they do not help us to establish these states of consciousness as a permanent state leaving difficult to remove toxic blockages.

However, extreme caution is required: Drugs should only be taken from trustworthy sources and only in the company of proven experts or trustworthy shamans. The ingested toxins have to be decomposed in the body later and the possible damage in the protective cover of our aura should then be healed and closed, otherwise, long-term damage to the health of the body and psyche cannot be excluded. 

To attain truly lasting enlightenment and irreversible bliss, one must undergo thorough training and spiritual work with the purification of mind and consciousness, that can best be achieved through the classical techniques of Yoga and Meditation who have been tried and tested for thousands of years.

Yoga and meditation are the shortest path to oneness with everything. They are the abbreviation for enlightenment and immortality. Only when we have become one with Creation and God, we have reached the perfect state of human existence.

I would be happy to answer all questions on a personal level to give you more information.

With kind regards
Peter Todesco
School of Meditation

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